IMSITE Publications

On this page abstracts, papers and presentations will be listed and linked from this page. Stay tuned for this content.

3rd International STEM Education Conference, The University of British Columbia, July 12-15, 2014

Inspiring Mathematics and Science in Australian Teacher Education: Making connections across disciplinary contexts

Merrilyn Goos, Kim Beswick, Tricia Forrester

In this workshop participants will interpret the preliminary outcomes of an Australian project that is developing new interdisciplinary approaches to mathematics and science pre-service teacher education.  They will also provide feedback on the transferability of the project’s intended outcomes to international contexts. The aim of the project is to foster enduring collaborations between university- based education, mathematics, and science academics in order to prepare teachers who have a contemporary and dynamic view of the STEM disciplines. To this end, the project seeks to institutionalize new ways of integrating the content and pedagogical expertise of STEM academics and mathematics and science educators to enrich three key stages in the preparation of teachers: recruitment into teaching careers, participation in the pre-service program, and continuing professional learning following graduation. The  six  participating universities are collaborating to develop, test, and evaluate the following approaches: (a) recruitment and retention strategies that promote teaching careers to undergraduate mathematics and science students; (b) innovative curriculum arrangements that combine authentic content and progressive pedagogy to construct powerful  professional  knowledge for teaching; (c) approaches by which universities can build long term relationships with teacher education  graduates,  enabling them to continually renew their professional and pedagogical knowledge of mathematics and science.

2015 (MERGA 38): held at the University of the Sunshine Coast - 28 June to 2 July, 2015

Learning at the Boundaries - Prof Merrilyn Goos (UQ) 

This paper reports on a project that aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between mathematicians and mathematics educators in pre-service teacher education. The project involves 23 investigators from six universities. Interviews were conducted with selected project participants to identify conditions that enable or hinder collaboration, and to identify learning mechanisms at the boundaries between disciplinary communities. A hybrid narrative constructed from the interviews is used to illustrate transformation as a learning mechanism that leads to new practices.

Publications and dissemination activities

Journal articles

Goos, M. (2013). Mathematical knowledge for teaching: What counts? International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44, 972-983. doi: 10.1080/0020739X.2013.826387

Prieto, E., Howley, P., Holmes, K., Osborn, J., Roberts, M., & Kepert, A. (2015). Quality Teaching Rounds in mathematics teacher education. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 17(2), 98-110.
Refereed conference papers

Bennison, A. & Goos, M. (2016). Learning at the boundaries: Collaboration between mathematicians and mathematics educators within and across institutions. In B. White, M. Chinnapan, & S. Trenholm (Eds.) Opening up mathematics education research (Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, pp. 124-131). Adelaide, Australia: MERGA.

Goos, M. (2015). Learning at the boundaries. In M. Marshman, V. Geiger, & A. Bennison (Eds.). Mathematics in the margins (Proceedings of the 38th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, pp. 269-276). Adelaide, Australia: MERGA.

Other conference presentations

Belward, S. (2016, June). How do I get the best bang for my buck from my solar panels? Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers, Cairns, 25-26 June.

Belward, S., Dalitz, J., & Fahey, M. (2016, June). Positive mathematics with Indigenous students: seeking input to upcoming workshop opportunity. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers, Cairns, 25-26 June.

Bielinski, D., & Visnovska, J. (2016, September). Co-teaching in mathematics education: IMSITE project experience. Poster presented at the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics, Brisbane, 28-30 September.

Bulmer,M., Visnovska,J., Balatti, J., & Belward, S. (2014, July). Enhancing the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers, Townsville, 5-6 July.

Dalitz, J. (2016, June). Introducing the “Why maths?” video series. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers, Cairns, 25-26 June.

Daniel, L. (2016, June). Planting the seeds of algebra in the teaching of number. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers, Cairns, 25-26 June.

Fraser, S. (2016, September). An alternative model for mathematics and science initial teacher education. Presentation at the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics, Brisbane, 28-30 September.

Fraser, S., Penson, M., Seen, A., Beswick, K., & Whannell, R. (2016, October). Cross faculty collaboration in the development of and integrated mathematics and science initial teacher education program. Presentation at the 4th International STEM in Education Conference, Beijing, 26-28 October. Available

Goos, M. (2013). Knowledge for teaching secondary school mathematics: What counts? Keynote address presented at the 9th biennial Delta conference on teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, Kiama NSW, 24-29 November.

Goos, M., Anderson, J. Balatti, J., Beswick, K., Forrester, T., & Way, J. (2015). Working across disciplinary boundaries in pre-service teacher education. (Round Table presentation). In M. Marshman, V. Geiger, & A. Bennison (Eds.). Mathematics in the margins (Proceedings of the 38th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, pp. 269-276). Adelaide, Australia: MERGA.

Goos, M., Anderson, J., Beswick, K., Osborn, J., Sandison, C., Dalitz, J., Holmes, K., & Prieto-Rodriguez, E. (2014). Inspiring mathematics and science in Australian teacher education. (Round Table presentation). In J. Anderson, M. Cavanagh, & A. Prescott (Eds.), Curriculum in focus: Research guided practice (Proceedings of the 37th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, p. 744). Sydney: MERGA.

Goos, M., Beswick, K., & Forrester, T. (2014). Inspiring mathematics and science in Australian teacher education: Making connections across disciplinary contexts. Workshop presented at the 3rd International Conference on STEM Education, Vancouver, 12-15 July.

Goos, M. & Visnovska, J. (2015) Integrating pedagogical and mathematical learning in pre-service teacher education. (Discussion Group). In K. Beswick, T. Muir, & J. Wells (Eds.) (2015). Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 127-128). Hobart, Australia: PME.
oladian, L., Tully, D., & Anderson, J. (2016, September). Evolving a community of practice to enhance the pre-service experience of mathematics teachers. Poster presented at the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics, Brisbane, 28-30 September.

Tully, D., Anderson, J., & Poladian, L. (2016, July). Improving the retention of pre-service teachers through expanding communities of practice. Poster presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Hamburg, 24-31 July.

Visnovska J. & Fry, K. (2016, September). Reasoning with fractions: supporting pre-service teachers’ learning. Poster presented at the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, Brisbane, 28-30 September.

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